During the March 2024 Full Membership Meeting we provided our members with committee updates, followed by an outstanding presentation by the Connecticut Rides and Connecticut Transit.
Our members learned about environmentally friendly transportation methods that reduce our carbon footprint and promote healthier living. Choosing sustainable modes of transportation, such as public transit, carpooling, or biking, we can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions within our state.
The presentation shared cost savings, initiatives, and exciting ways our Connecticut Federal employees (and their families) can benefit from these great initiatives.
For example, did you know CTrides provides employers with a no-cost, dedicated consultant who will give you the tools to easily and quickly improve productivity, health, and savings for your workforce – while receiving tax and savings benefits for your company?
Also, did you know about the CTrides Emergency Ride Home (ERH) Program?
The CTrides Emergency Ride Home (ERH) Program is a service provided by the Connecticut Department of Transportation for employees who work in Connecticut and who regularly use a qualified greener commute to work. If an unexpected emergency arises, the ERH Program will reimburse commuters who meet the guidelines below for their trip up to four (4) times a year.
This includes:
Worksite assessments to help your employees with their commuting challenges
A customized transportation demand management plan
On-site programs like parking management, carpool and vanpool formation events, lunch and learns, and more
Our presentation concluded with a live demo of the CTrides trip planning tool where we can identify different green commuting options available as part of the various programs (ride share, rail, bus, and more!).
Check out more about CTrides by visiting their website https://ctrides.com
If you missed the FEA of CT Full Membership Meeting, minutes will be disseminated to our email list. But you can check out the presentation portion below ⬇️
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of future FEACT Full Membership Meetings (open to all Federal Employees in Connecticut) to:
Create liaisons with Congressional Staff in a geographic area
Provide Federal Employee Recognition Banquets to highlight the “best and brightest” in government in geographic area
Organize training/seminars for agency employees on such topics as retirement and employee development
Organize emergency management training, such as COOP Table Top Exercises and full scale exercises
And coordinate after hour social networking opportunities for federal employees and their families.